Well, it plays like Marvel, which is always a good thing, and still seems to be delivering on those clutch hype combos. This game has some ridiculously big shoes to to fill, and it hasn’t exactly had a great path to its release after it was grilled on its visuals, but the more important question is how does it play? Capcom: Infinite was revealed back at Sony’s PlayStation Experience event last December.

Now one of the leakiest leaks in video games became true when Marvel vs. Capcom 3 return back on more platforms (PC, PS4, Xbox One). Fans were stoked to see Ultimate Marvel vs. As we can now perceive from the results, the idea of Disney wanting to make its own video game empire didn’t exactly go to plan after killing Disney Infinity and going back to the original idea of licensing their properties out to developers. Even when the game was denied any patches about a year after launch, which followed with the game being pulled from all the digital stores, along with its DLC at the end of 2013 – because Disney, who bought Marvel back in 2009, decided to handle all their properties internally – it still had fans rushing to see its hype matches between some of the best players in the world.

Capcom 3 has an insanely dedicated fan base.