They both run about $5 a month $60 a year. These 2 programs are called Carbonite and CrashPlan. so as to minimize data loss in the event your laptop crashes, is stolen from your home or car or hotel room, or in the event of a natural disaster. There are also automatic versions of software that backup to private Cloud accounts that backup every 15 min.

These vendors have special commercial antivirus that scrubs all your data clean if you accidentally upload folders with files containing viruses. To combat this situation, we recommend that you NEVER KEEP YOUR EXTERNAL DRIVES PLUGGED INTO YOUR LAPTOP UNLESS YOU ARE MAKING BACKUPS AT THE TIME! Additionally, you should consider making Manual backups to Cloud-based storage (free or paid) using such vendors as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Google Drive. Fortunately for him, I was able to find a program to unlock all his files. I just went through this in August with a customer who had 20 years of business and personal stuff locked up by this very nasty Ransomware virus. As of 2 years ago, there are now new Ransomware viruses out there that can lock up all the data on your laptop hard drive as well as ALL OTHER EXTERNAL DRIVES PLUGGED INTO YOUR LAPTOP!! This can cost from $237-$2,500 to pay the Ransom to the Hacker to get an unlock key to unlock all your files. For Image backups which we recommend over using manual backups, we recommend 3 programs which are:Īlso, where are you storing your backups from W7? If it's to external flash drive or external hard drive or both, you have another problem. There are much more reliable programs such as AOEMI Backupper, or Paragon Software for manual backups.

Microsoft backup has not proven reliable in the 20+ years since it came out and was incorporated into Windows machines. The first question is what PROGRAM are you using to Backup your laptop? If you are using the built-in Windows7 backup, that is not a reliable backup. Neemo answered the Updates problem with a correct solution. Windows Backup and Updates Failures are 2 completely separate things.