
Did merlin go to hogwarts
Did merlin go to hogwarts

did merlin go to hogwarts

He was vanquished forever, but in the wake of his death, dedicated cultists decided to continue his legacy.ġ1 years later, Merlin is catapulted into the future by a mysterious force of magic and is now stuck in his 11 year old body. On the night of Halloween, lily and James potter sacrificed their lives to defeat Lord Voldemort. There was also Queen Maeve, a possibly muggle-born witch before Hogwarts who trained many wizards and witches, including, I assume, muggle-borns, in Ireland.Drotaku50 Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Harry Potter - J.

did merlin go to hogwarts

If not,wizards and witches probably trained in individual apprenticeships. It seems highly unlikely that there was no place for wizards and witches to go-some school that was a predecessor of Hogwarts. Muggles might have known about magi and magical people at this time maybe they just sent their kids to train with another wizard.ģ.Remember what I said in the first one: without training, wizards and witches are never able to do any magic except accidents. Possibly, Muggle-borns would just never be seen for what they were and would go through their life untrained, believing that they are a Muggle.Ģ.This was before the Secrecy Laws. If, though, there were Muggle-borns at this time, remember three things:ġ.Without training, wizards and witches are never able to do any magic except accidents, like vanishing the glass at the zoo, or jumping on to the roof of the kitchen.

did merlin go to hogwarts

I haven't seen anything about Muggle-borns from back then, so it could be the case that the appearance of magic in Muggles' children is a recent occurrence and back then it was only purebloods and occasionally halfbloods. Hogwarts was founded in the 10th century, so it's been a while since then.

did merlin go to hogwarts

I can't find anything in canon about this, so this will all be guesswork.

Did merlin go to hogwarts